Specialising in Online Tutoring for Primary Aged Children

We help kids achieve great results…and we’re experts at making learning fun and engaging!

Does my child even need a tutor?

We understand that enlisting a tutor for your child can be a confusing and daunting decision – let alone the confusion of selecting the right tutor to suit your child’s individual learning needs.

To help make the process easier for you, we’ve compiled a list of key benefits to assist you in determining if Attain Education is the right fit to bring out the best in your child.

Boost their confidence!

Here at Attain Education, our priority is to assist children in overcoming learning barriers that are holding them back from achieving their full potential. This allows our students to feel confident and empowered to become independent learners.

Attain higher results!

Contrary to popular belief, tutoring is not just to assist children that may need individualised support. Attain Education has the expertise to accommodate a range of learning abilities and levels… maybe your child is achieving expected grades for their age, or even higher than expected. Why not give them that extra stimulation by challenging them to go further?

Unleash their potential!

With Attain Education, your child will be tutored by a fully qualified Classroom Teacher, specialising in primary school education. Our qualifications and experience allow us to work with a range of learning capabilities and needs, ensuring that we can unleash each child’s full potential!


Here’s the Icing on the Cake…

We specialise solely on online tutoring which means you and your child can enjoy the many benefits!

  • Children are notorious for not wanting to pay attention when being guided by their parents if they are assisting with school work. Often they require a tutor’s support so that this education can be provided from someone that they know is in the picture for this purpose… frustrating, although common! You’re not alone. We intentionally create a space that encourages productive, supported and guided skill building practices.

  • Tutoring doesn’t have to be another after school activity that requires running around! With the time consumptions of being busy parents: cooking dinners, juggling a million things, keeping up with after school activities, work, and wanting the best for your child, tutoring shouldn’t be an added stress! Thanks to today’s connected world, Attain Education utilises the latest education tools and learning methods to deliver a practical and convenient service model.

  • Through our online based services, we are able to achieve the most from each child as the removal of travel commitments reduces restlessness and fatigue.

  • An engaged child is a learning child. Ensuring that our tutoring is founded in fun and interactive methods allows us to optimally engage with the children we work with.

Also checkout our Instagram or Facebook for some home-learning recommendations and more content from us.

 Help your children achieve more!

Did you know?

Pupils that were given 12 hours of tuition made three months more progress than pupils who didn’t enlist a tutoring service.
— Education Endowment Foundation
Evidence indicates that one to one tuition can be effective, delivering an average of approximately five additional months progress.
— Evidence For Learning
One-to-one tutoring has repeatedly been found to be the most effective approach to prevent reading failure.
— Reading Recovery

Boost your child’s learning

Our tutoring services help stimulate your children and encourage them to become excited about education whilst receiving support on concepts they’re learning in the classroom. This is all while they are being provided with the tools to master new skills that will help them go further.


Small Group Tutoring

Our small group tutoring focuses on building core English and/or Maths skills aligned with the Australian National Curriculum. Through a peer-to-peer approach, students will be provided with the tools to build on these skills. We also offer small group tutoring with a NAPLAN focus, which is great for building confidence. We keep our groups small, with a maximum of 3 children, who are working on similar learning goals to ensure that each child is given the opportunity to thrive.

“Chantelle is an amazing tutor, helping my daughter learn and making it fun.”

—Katy F.