Small Group Tutoring

Improving core skills in English and Maths in a fun and engaging way!

At Attain Education, we have a strong emphasis on having fun, whilst challenging learners to reach their full potential.


See Improvements Faster

By developing their skills in a collaborative and small group environment, children are provided with the opportunity to improve and build upon their fundamental skills in English and Maths as a collective.


Dedicated Help with 1:3 Ratio

Small group tutoring offers all of the benefits of individualised and tailored support in an environment that encourages teamwork, relationship building and cooperation. We strategically place children from Year 2 through to Year 6 in small working groups of no more than 3, to foster this group engagement whilst catering to the individual needs of each child.

Focused Learning

Through small group tutoring, Attain Education encourages focused learning specifically designed to prepare children for NAPLAN testing through a fun and pressure-free environment. This approach enables us to work with each child to ensure they are prepared, confident and supported leading up to these often intimidating testing procedures.  

Small Group Tutoring


Group Maths/English Tutoring (1 hr)


  • Phone consultation

  • Fun and engaging Tutoring Sessions (bespoke plan tailored to needs)

  • Max 1:3 Ratio

  • Parent Feedback

  • Next steps strategy

 Let’s Chat

No obligation free consultation with our friendly team.