Frequently Asked Questions

About Attain Education

What ages do you tutor?

Attain Education prides itself on providing expertise in Primary Years through the skills of our tutors who are all experienced Primary Teachers (Prep to Year 6) that have delivered the Australian curriculum. We have even had 4-year-olds in Prep take part in our tutoring sessions… you’d be amazed how quickly they pick up how to use the technology and engage with their tutor!

How do you ensure the sessions are effective?

Each of our experienced tutors closely monitor the progress of their students. This allows them to provide you with feedback on a regular basis so that you can be confident that your child is taking strides towards reaching their learning potential.

Is online tutoring as effective as face-to-face tutoring?

Absolutely, we believe it is actually better!

Online tuition has exploded in recent years and it is easy to see why… whether your priority is greater flexibility to fit tutoring into your busy schedule, or the comfortable at-home learning, online tutoring is a win for all! 

Attain Education solely focuses on online tutoring, and we utilise technology to drive interactive and collaborative learning experiences that kids love.

Can we have a trial lesson?

We don’t offer trial lessons. We find that they are not a true reflection of the quality and time that goes into tutoring, and instead encourage a short ‘meet and greet’ call. This allows both yourself and your child to meet the tutor, play a game to get to know each other and build rapport, and determine if the tutor will be a good fit for your child.

The first lesson will then encompass pre-assessing to allow the tutor to develop a unique learning plan that is tailored to your child. This session will be an opportunity for the tutor to assess your child’s knowledge, identify learning gaps, and determine areas for growth and development. Most importantly, we utilise this opportunity to build a relationship and allow your child to feel comfortable enough with their tutor to ask questions and make mistakes.

How do I track my child’s progress?

Your child’s tutor will provide regular feedback on their current learning objectives, their learning ‘wins’ and identified areas that need to be worked on. As the tutor will constantly be monitoring your child’s progress, you will be provided with frequent updates and are welcome to ask the tutor questions regarding your child’s development.

About Tutoring

How does tutoring work?

Attain Education tutoring sessions are online and in real-time. Both your child and their tutor will be able to share audio and visual, with the tutor sharing their screen with your child. This model is interactive – both your child and their tutor are able to annotate on the screen to write sentences, demonstrate their working out, and collaborate.

Do I need special equipment?

Not at all! All you will need is a computer or tablet that has a built-in camera (or a connected webcam) with an internet connection. We also recommend that you have your charger handy… just in case!

Won’t my child get distracted on an online learning platform?

We don’t find this to be an issue! Children of all ages respond very well, and most of them already use similar technology at school.

Attain Education specialises in online tutoring, so we have the tools and skills to combat these potential distractions, whereas a lot of other tutoring services mainly do face-to-face with online as a back-up that they often don’t deliver like we do.

We believe that technology is a resource to make learning more fun and interactive and allows children to create and collaborate in exciting ways! Combined with our structure of having a tailored approach for each student instead of a set program, we do not have issues with students becoming distracted.

Are tutoring sessions 1-to-1 or with a group?

Both! Attain Education has options to cater to the style of learning that brings out the best in your child. Whether you would prefer 1-to-1 private tutoring or small group sessions (maximum of three students per group), we recommend that you check out our Services Page for an in-depth explanation of the various benefits of each learning style.

Are the tutoring sessions interactive or is my child just watching a screen?

Rest assured that your child will never simply just be sitting and watching a screen… No robots or recordings here! Our tutors are experienced Primary School teachers that plan sessions that are interesting through using methods to make learning interactive. An interactive experience is the best way to improve learning!

But, don’t take our word for it… hear it from the kids themselves!

 “My tutor helps me learn things like fractions and division that were really confusing at school, but now I get it. And it's always fun!!! I wish she was my teacher at school!” (Harry, 10)

“I love tutoring because it helps me with spelling and other stuff that I find hard at school. But it's not like school. It's way more fun!!” (Clemmie, 9)

“I love my tutor. My favourite thing is playing games and I beat her!” (Charlie, 5)

How do I know I’ll get a quality tutor?

You can have confidence knowing that all of our tutors are quality professionals with Primary School teaching experience. Our tutors then go through extensive interview processes and training to guarantee consistent quality across all of Attain Education’s educators. Matching the tutor to the needs and personality of your child is a priority to ensure that you are paired with the perfect tutor. A ‘get to know you’ call is a great opportunity that we use for yourself and your child to meet the tutor in a relaxed environment and play ice-breaker (not education based) games together!

Will I get the same tutor for my sessions?

Yes – we believe it is important to build a relationship with the students to enhance learning, develop rapport, monitor progress and provide familiarity for your child. Your dedicated tutor will be able to become familiar with your child’s interests, learning strengths, and their weaknesses, and utilise this information to help them achieve their learning goals.

Does the content align with the curriculum and what they’re being taught at school?

Absolutely! All of the content that we teach is aligned with the Australian learning curriculum and is taught by experienced Primary Teachers that are familiar with providing these teachings. This ensures that what your child is being taught through Attain Education, is relevant to what they are learning in the classroom.

Do the tutors tailor the content? Is it personalised for my child?

Absolutely! A tailored approach to each child’s learning is the key to what makes our tutoring so effective. During the first session, your tutor will assess your child’s current level of skills and knowledge and identify strengths and weaknesses. They will then use this information to plan sessions accordingly whilst considering their personal interests and learning styles to engage them.


What is the pricing structure?

The cost of tutoring varies between packages and services. You can find this information on our services page.

How do I pay?

You will receive an invoice and will be given instructions on how to make payment through bank transfer.

For other payment options, please let us know your preferences and we'll get them setup.

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