Attain Education founder Chantelle

Meet the founder,


“Identifying a child’s individual strengths, weaknesses, abilities and learning style is key to their education and growth.”

— Chantelle

Attain Education was founded and developed through Chantelle’s genuine love for teaching and helping children experience success. Establishing Attain Education to provide support for students during the infamous 2020 lockdowns, Chantelle – as a teacher herself – observed the impact that the pandemic was having on our children and their experiences of education.

With over a decade of teaching experience, Chantelle has developed expertise across all primary year levels. As a consultant for the International Healthy Schools Program rolled out across Australia, UK, Thailand and Vietnam, Chantelle collaborated on the best ways to support the future of children, their wellbeing, and their education. 

Bringing this passion and experience to her business, Attain Education’s motivation to make learning fun stems from Chantelle’s heartfelt belief that ALL children should have a fun, engaging and rewarding experience of learning. After all, learning something new IS fun!

Chantelle’s aspiration for Attain Education to support her students and their families, has flourished into an established tutoring service available to all. Now, Chantelle and her team of tutors continue to do exactly that whilst encouraging a love for learning.  

As an experienced teacher, Chantelle dedicates her life both in the classroom and through Attain Education to helping pupils grasp the learning objectives set out in the school curriculum. Her commitment to assisting students in progressing towards achieving their personal learning goals makes her work through Attain Education all the more meaningful.

Every Attain Education tutoring session – thanks to Chantelle’s devotion to every student – is designed with each individual child in mind. This tailored approach benefits pupils through enjoyable tutoring sessions that encourage them to feel a sense of achievement for what they accomplish. In addition to Attain Education addressing the unique needs of each child, Chantelle has assembled a team of Primary Specialist tutors, providing you with confidence that the content covered aligns perfectly with what is expected of them in school.

Qualifications, Memberships & Courses

In Progress

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