AI for Parents: 3 Exciting Ways to Use AI for learning

AI is the hot new thing, it’s everywhere right now!

We’ll let you in on a little secret…our tutors love using AI behind the scenes as a tool to help them create personalised learning activities that you won’t find anywhere else. These activities support the individual needs of the child and are tailored to their interests and personality.

We’ve included a few of our favourite examples below to get you started, but try personalising them to your own child’s interests and see how well they work!

The examples below use ChatGPT, which you can get a free account for at

1. Creative problem solving

AI prompt:

Create 5 word problems for a 10 year old child based on Harry Potter. Include the answers.


Ask your child the problem questions, and see how much more engaged they are!


You can easily request more problems, change the target age, or subject.


Remember that ChatGPT is a conversation AI Bot, so you can simply type “Make these harder” and it will up the difficulty!

Here’s the output from our example above:

  • Answer: Harry has 13 chocolate frogs left.

  • Hermione will have 4 galleons left after buying the wand.

  • Each person got 5 wizard hats.

  • Neville has 25 Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans left.

  • Ginny needs 20 more galleons to buy the broomstick.


2. Descriptive writing

AI prompt:

Write a short narrative for a 7 year old child that includes descriptive language about fairies in a magical forest. Include a list of the adjectives from this story.


Read through the story with your child, and have them highlight the adjectives as you go.


You can use this same technique to work on nouns, verbs and other grammatical features.


You can always ask ChatGPT “What happens next?” and keep the story going with your child!

  • Once upon a time, in a magical forest filled with tall trees and vibrant flowers, there lived a group of fairies. The fairies had wings as delicate as a butterfly's and their dresses shone with a soft, shimmering light. Their hair flowed like a river of gold in the wind, and their laughter sounded like tiny bells ringing in the air.

    The fairies spent their days dancing in the sun and playing hide-and-seek among the leaves. They loved to sing songs that echoed through the forest and to make beautiful flower crowns to wear on their heads. They were mischievous, too, sometimes playing tricks on the forest animals or leaving tiny presents for the humans who wandered through their home.

    The forest itself was full of wonder and magic. It glowed with a warm, golden light that seemed to come from the very air itself. The trees were tall and strong, with leaves that rustled in the wind like whispers from far-off lands. The flowers were bright and colorful, and their sweet scent filled the air.

    But the most magical part of the forest was the fairies themselves. They brought joy and happiness wherever they went, spreading their magic and love throughout the land. And though they were small, they had hearts as big as the sky, filled with kindness and wonder.

    Adjectives: magical, vibrant, delicate, shimmering, golden, mischievous, wonder-filled, warm, strong, rustling, colorful, sweet, small, big, kind, wondrous.Description text goes here

  • Adjectives: magical, vibrant, delicate, shimmering, golden, mischievous, wonder-filled, warm, strong, rustling, colorful, sweet, small, big, kind, wondrous.Description text goes here

AI Robot in front of a laptop.

One of many tools!

Our tutors are all Primary School teachers, and this is just one of the many tools at their disposal to make your child’s learning fun and engaging!


3. Reading comprehension

AI prompt:

Write a short story for an 8 year old about a dinosaur called Rory, and then create 5 comprehension questions based on this text. Include the answers.


Read through the story with your child, and ask them the comprehension questions to check their understand of that they just read.


Change the name, subject and location of the short story to suit your child.


Get your child involved by asking who the main character should be, and where the story should be located. Also, remember that you can ask for more questions whenever you like!

  • Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, there was a friendly dinosaur called Rory. Rory was a T-Rex, but he wasn't like the other T-Rexes. He didn't like to hunt other animals or scare them with his big, sharp teeth. Instead, he spent his days playing with the other animals in the forest, like the monkeys, the rabbits, and the squirrels.

    One day, while Rory was playing with his friends, he heard a loud noise. He looked up and saw a group of T-Rexes coming towards them. The other animals ran away, but Rory stayed put. He knew that the other T-Rexes were his cousins, and he hoped that they wouldn't hurt him.

    The T-Rexes stopped in front of Rory, and they looked at him suspiciously. "What are you doing here, Rory?" asked one of the T-Rexes. "Why aren't you hunting like the rest of us?"

    Rory explained that he didn't like to hunt and that he just wanted to play with his friends. The other T-Rexes laughed at him, but Rory didn't care. He knew that he was different, but he didn't think that was a bad thing.

    After a while, the other T-Rexes left, and Rory went back to playing with his friends. He was happy to be himself and to have friends who accepted him for who he was.

  • What is the name of the friendly dinosaur in the story?

    Answer: The name of the friendly dinosaur in the story is Rory.

    What kind of dinosaur is Rory?

    Answer: Rory is a T-Rex.

    What does Rory like to do?

    Answer: Rory likes to play with the other animals in the forest.

    What happens when Rory sees a group of T-Rexes coming towards them?

    Answer: Rory stays put while the other animals run away.

    What does Rory learn at the end of the story?

    Answer: Rory learns that it's okay to be different and that he has friends who accept him for who he is.


We’re sure you and your child are bound to have a fun-filled time exploring the different ways you can use AI so learning isn’t a bore!

Let us know how your child goes with these activities on FB or IG. We’d love to hear.

Nothing can beat a lesson that has been planned with the individual needs of a child in mind by an experienced teacher who knows your child and how they work best.

With Attain Education, each and every one of our tutoring sessions are planned by the tutor with the individual child's needs and interests in mind.

Helping your child become a happy, confident learner is at the heart of what we do. We know that you want the best for your child, and with support from Attain Education, you know that your child will be in good hands.

Child using an ipad for an online tutoring lesson

Tutoring that fits you, not the other way round

Online tutoring is the go-to for parents these days, due to its incredible flexibility and higher levels of engagement for the child.



Getting the right support for your child is a big decision. Spending the time needed to research and have a call with potential tutoring companies is an important step and once you do land the perfect tutor, it will be bliss for both you and your child!

The stress of worrying about your child’s learning will be washed away, and the joy of seeing your child flourish and start to love learning, will put your mind at ease.

At Attain Education, we are always willing to lend an ear to parents. We have a genuine passion for providing expert tutoring for primary-aged children. If you’re considering getting a tutor for your child, why not book a call and have a chat with us. We’d love to know more about your child and their unique learning needs, and discuss how we can help.


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